Count occurrences of specific strings meeting a reg expression

I have a spread sheet in which in one of the columns the cells contain (maybe several) strings of the form 11C23, 05C15, 46B21. ( They are all of the form [0-9][0-9][A-Z][0-9][0-9], and are separated by spaces or commas. )

Of the possible 260000 codes only about 200 of them occur.

I would like first, to get a list of the strings that occur, and then count the number of times each such string occurs.

I can count the number of times a particular string occurs with


where my string is in C2, so, I guess, if I could get these individual strings into column C, I could copy this command into each row. But how would I get a list of these strings.

Any help would be appreciated.

Quoting @mhsiggers: “… in which in one of the columns the cells contain (maybe several) strings of the form 11C23, 05C15, 46B21.”
This needs clarification, in specific: In what way are dispositions made against counting an intersection for two cases of acceptance. E.g.: ?11C23Z99! might be counted for two acceptable strings: 11C23 and 23Z99.
You find a partly related thread here.

Sorry. They occur as these five character strings and are separated by spaces or commas.

Do you look for something like this?

=TEXT(MOD(ROW()-1;10000);"00""" & CHAR(INT((ROW()-1)/10000)+65) & """00")

This isn’t exactly what I was looking for, but it works.
This generates all possible codes, and so allows me to count them. I was asking to find a list of those codes that occur.
The difference is that this solution blows up my spreadsheet from 400 rows to 260000.
(2600 actually, as I settled for counting the occurrences of the the initial three characters of each string,)

Thank you very much for the help.