Just found the entry in context menu of “create” → “DOCX” is added not by LO, but by old installation of WPS. Apparently WPS uninstallation did not remove them. After removing them no confusion anymore and it has nothing to do with LO. So my appologies and I close my question.
The steps for reproducing the bug is:
- Install LibreOffice latest version ( on Windows 10, including context menu feature
- Restart
- Right click on desktop, “new file” → “DOCX document”
- Open the file, input some text, apply format(font size, bold, italic, whatever)
- Press “save” button and close
- Open the file again, the format is lost. I only see plain text.
- Apply some format again, save as DOCX, and close the file
- Reopen the file, the format is preserved.
My question is: if context menu allows me to create a file as DOCX, and “save as docx” option CAN perserve my format, why simply press “save” does not? Isn’t “save” button here can just do the work of “save as docx”, which is more reasonable?
Because when I create the file as docx and save, I naturally expect two things: first, all modifications, including format, can preserve after exit, and second, the file has extension of docx. I see now only 2nd is achieved, but 1st is not.
Or, at least when saving, taking into account this problem of not persisting the format, at least prompt for user extra attention, so that he/she always remember to “save as docx”; or all users will experience the same frustration all the time only when reopening the file, which is too late.
I see 3 options here:
- (workaround, temporal)Remove the “DOCX document” option in the context menu, only leaving ODT. So users wanting to use them in Word or WPS or whatever, will always remember to save as DOCX; because “save” button when format is docx does not do its job.
- (workaround, temporal)Add prompt when saving without preserving format. I observe the test docx file has a much smaller size in comparison with the real, usable DOCX file with “save as”, so actually the app knows the format information is not saved in the file.
- (real solution)Make Save button work as “save as DOCX” when the original file is created with .docx as extension.