Courier Prime in Libre Office Writer?

“They” say it is bundled with LibreOffice, but I see It nowhere. Where can I find/get Courier Prime for LibreOffice Writer?

Who is “They”?

Never heard of that. You could mention your OS name; this would give a clue about “they”.

A quick query on the net reveals it is a open-licenced font either by Adobe or Google. You searched the net, didn’t you?

You won’t find any “font for LO Writer”. Fonts are managed by your OS. You install them in the OS and they become instantly for applications.

Sorry for the incomplete info. I went looking, and there was an update to v24.8.2.1 of the suite. After install of the suite v,, Courier Prime showed up in the Writer font choices. It would have been cool when they designed the font that they differentiated zeros from capital “O”'s a bit clearer, maybe something like the Cascadia Code has done.

Us visually aged like all the help we can get!

Here is the wiki page for fonts bundled with some distributions, Fonts - The Document Foundation Wiki

Recently, some fonts have been removed from the bundle, maybe others have been added

Some LibreOffice distributions modified for some operating systems might choose to bundle other fonts or none at all. Nobody knows what operating system you have.

Maybe, you want Courier Prime Code, see Courier Prime: It's Courier, just better.