Create a summary - With formula or Pivot Table / Data Pilots

Today the following information is available in csv files
A table of basic information and a table of information to be compared with.

The first basic table may look like the following .:

and the second table with information about the limits .:

Today a compilation similar to the one below is created (but involves a lot of manual handling)

Some cells may need an explanation .:
The cell F3 contains the sum of E2+E3
In cell E4 is the value from the second table above
Cell F4 contains the following calculation
IF F3 is less than E4 → show the result (preferably in red)
IF F3 is equal to or greater than E4 → show nothing
=IF(F3<E4;F3-E4;"") (maybe =IF(F3<E4;F3-E4;"") )

What possibilities are there to create the base with as little manual handling as possible?
Maybe the content and structure of the CSV files should be changed to get a more customized basis?

Trying to attach the spreadsheet for tests
(but don’t know if it will work in other languages)
Have removed Swedish currency and skipped Swedish characters etc.
Order results - web.ods (26.4 KB)

I hope my wishes is explained :slight_smile: and it doesn’t contain too many simplifications.
(eg names and texts are simplified and numerical - which is not the real case)
The base file contains duplicates, but these are merged before the manual handling of the results performed above.