Because my original question seems to have been unclear to experienced users, I am once again asking it, but with revisions rendering it more clear. Thank you to the people who responded the first time.
- I have a Writer document;
- I have a Calc document (spreadsheet);
- Within the Calc document is a chart;
- The chart is created from data in that same spreadsheet.
Desired outcome:
- Insert into the Writer document the chart in the Calc document;
- The inserted chart is to possess two qualities:
a. It is to be linked to the Calc document;
b. Updates made in the Calc document appear also in the Writer document.
Process outlined in LibreOffice user guides:
- Perform these steps in Writer:
Insert->Object->OLE object->Create from file->Link to file->Search->(select target file)->Open->OK
At no step in this process is a Calc chart defined as an entity. At no point is such an entity identified as an OLE candidate to be inserted, linked, and possessed of the quality of updatablility in a Writer document. The Writer Insert ->…->…->…-> OK process selects a file. At no point in the Writer Insert process are there instuctions or options allowing selection of an entity (the Calc chart) in the Calc document.
What do I need to do so that the Writer Insert → link to file → Search → OK series of commands results in:
- A Calc chart in a Writer document that
a. Is identifiable from within Writer using the Insert Object…OK command series as an OLE candidate;
b. Is selectable using the Writer Insert Object…OK command series;
c. Is inked, once inserted in the Writer documenrt, to the source Calc document; and
d. Can be updated in Calc so that the updates also appear in Writer.
In other words, how do I insert a defined Calc entity such as a chart into a Writer document as a linked, updatable OLE object?
I hope the question is now clear.
Thanks for your insights and instructions.