(I see this point was raised in a “How to make Calc like Excel” comment earlier. I wanted to re-state it.)
In the conversion to Calc, our Data-Entry folks complain about the slowness of creating Hyperlinks in Calc rows, Their data entry routine has been to
- Right-click on cell…
- “H” for Hyperlink…
- Tab once…
- CTRL V to paste the URL
- Back-tab twice for a Name-To-Appear field and type it.
They can do this in 2 seconds - the joys of fast-flying fingers! BUT to now stop that speed and make them consume 10 times as long (or more) PER cell PER spreadsheet, with no hopes of future relief - ! Argh - frustrating to the point of “going back”.
We love LibreOffice’s advanced Toolbar and Menu Customization options.
Could there be a chance to customize a Pop-Up Menu, therefore, to include a HYPERLINK function? That’s because the Mouse Motions are the most time-consuming, each cell, each spreadsheet. Keeping data-entry operators’ hands on the keys is the easy part - their fingers can memorize just about ANY set of keystrokes. But moving the mouse around constantly is quite a slow-down.