Creating a catalogue for a collection

I have a large collection that I wish to catalogue. I have 64bit JRE installed . I cannot find anything in HELP that points me towards how. I will need maybe 10-12 fields - number; size; colour; maker; material; function; country etc plus an attached photo. Any thoughts on where to look for guidance. I have used spreadsheets before but never created a database.

Try this

Also, pay attention to the phrase in that discussion - “There are hundreds of ready made photo applications which do a better job than a self made tool based on some office suite

Please delete your original question - This is a duplicate of I have a collection that I wish to catalogue JRE 64bit installed. I can't find anything in the HELP index that guides me towards creating a database with about ten fields and attached photo. Any ideas?

I would suggest starting with the LibreOffice Base Handbook.

I would also recommend that you use either MySQL or MariaDB instead of Base.

I started learning Base by going thru a video series by: TheFrugalComputerGuy on YouTube. He has an extensive series of tutorials on the whole LibreOffice suite. I found it to be one of the most useful, and yet least mentioned tools around.

The series is getting a little dated, but Base is probably the least affected module in that respect.

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