Creating a simple chart

Sorry, I am not used to doing this and need some basic help.

I have a simple spreadsheet showing years 2013 to 2023 in a row (a column for each year) and the row below shows “income” for each year in the range 100,000 to 120,000.

How do I generate a line graph showing each year 2013 to 2023 along the X axis, with income level on the Y axis ranging from 100k up to 120k on the Y axis, (Not 0 to 120K )


Have you read 24.2 Calc Guide - Chapter 3 Creating Charts and Graphs ? What have you tried so far?

Can you provide a sample file with some data and your best attempt to create a chart?

If I enter some random values between 100K and 120K and do a scatter graph with lines, Calc automatically does a graph with Y axis ranging from 90K to 125K. If the variations were smaller, the Y axis would be more truncated.

Still, to set the Y axis more exactly,

  • double click the graph to get into edit mode
  • right click the Y axis and select Format axis
  • In the dialogue, select the Scale tab
    • In Minimum, untick Automatic and enter 100000
    • In Maximum, untick Automatic and 120000
  • Ok

Hi EarnestAI,

To try your suggestion, I selected the data (both lines) and clicked create chart. This is what I got.

Double clicking the graph didnt give me the option to select Format axis I’m afraid.



  • Line graph: Choose when starting the chart wizard
  • 100k to 120k: When finished chart double click on it (edit mode), select Y axis (right hand mouse) properties, Scaling

Thanks Grantler,

I can get basically what I want, but the Y scale is 0 to 140,000
Double clicking on the chart gives me this

Which doesnt allow me to edit the Y scale

Check your screenshot. You had selected Chart Wall, not the Y axis…

Aaaah, first put the cursor on the Y axis before double clicking!
Getting somewhere

Re scatter graph

Remember your data is in rows not columns.

Edit the graph, select chart range and select data in rows