I am trying to build a cross reference function for my macro in writer, something like this:
sub crossreference (file, namesection,reference)
dim oDescriptor,ofound
oDescriptor = file.createSearchDescriptor()
With oDescriptor
.SearchString = "banana"
End With
oFound = file.findFirst(oDescriptor)
if isnull(ofound) then exit sub
dim oField
oField = file.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.textfield.GetReference")
oField.ReferenceFieldPart = com.sun.star.text.ReferenceFieldPart.NUMBER
oField.ReferenceFieldSource = 2
oField.SourceName = "__RefNumPara__5813_2658656130"
dim textcursor as object, oanchor, section as object
textcursor = file.getText().createTextCursor()
section = file.getTextSections.GetByName(namesection)
oanchor = section.getAnchor()
textcursor.gotoRange(oanchor, False)
file.getText().insertTextContent(textcursor, oField, false)
end sub
but the problem is i dont know how to get this part “__RefNumPara__5813_2658656130” the reference for the paragraph, probably an enumeration of some sort. Anyone knows how this works?