Cross-reference Not Working in 7.6.x

Am running LibreOffice under Windows 10 22H2. The file format on all my Writer files in odt.

A screenshot of the result of clicking on a cross-referenced field is attached.

Having update to 7.6.x I found that all of my cross-reference entries when clicked-on, do not go to the Insert Reference point but instead open a list of Fields in the table of contents. I just downloaded but found the same problem. Selecting GoTo on right-clicking an entry in the Fields list does nothing.

I have reverted to 7.5.9 - where the cross-reference function works just fine - and will have to stay there until this is fixed as I have thousands of cross-reference entries in the documents that I have created with LibreOffice.

I hope this can be fixed soon. Thank you very much.

Bill Cole

Your question contains no useful technical information to work with. Thing to do is to edit your question (= modify it, don’t add a comment) to attach a sample file exhibiting the problem. Mention also OS name and save format (don’t expect full compliance if document is not .odt).

@wacole1213 . try Ctrl + klick.

Thanks for the quick reply. I edited the original message. Hopefully that provides enough technical information; of course, if you need additional info I’m standing by. Regards. Bill Cole

Attach a sample file for examination. Your screenshot already disambiguates your “click” (which is not in the text, but in the Navigator pane). However it is insufficient to guess the cause.

Thanks, that did the trick. This is a change from 7.5.x and before where all you had to do was to click on the cross-referenced field. I’m sure I’ve missed the reference in the Help material for cross-reference, it must be in the change notes. Thanks so much for sorting this out.

Navigator cross reference and other fields work for me as expected in, & Windows 11 (reported as Windows 10 Build 22621).

Did you restart Windows after installing? When I install a new version of LibreOffice, it always asks to shut down File Explorer otherwise it will need Windows to restart before it will operate correctly.

Your report is just after Microsoft’s Update Tuesday (2nd Tuesday of the month), it is possible that the computer was waiting to reboot to complete installation of updates. In this situation I find that things don’t always operate as expected. I restart Windows as soon as I see the notification that it wants to restart; it is quicker than the alternative, even with urgent work.

Thanks Hrbrgr for your help here. I was having this issue that when I just clicked on a cross-reference, the cursor just stayed on the cross-reference - but when I did a CTRL-Click, it jumped right to the Target. This has saved me a lot of frustration, so very much appreciated.

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Note that there is a setting you can change if you want to just click, instead of Ctrl+click. It is listed under security for obvious reasons.
Click Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Security > Options and untick Ctrl-click required to open hyperlinks and OK out

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tdf#161012 Cross references don’t work in the document itself

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Also tdf#156310 but a worrying last paragraph in comment 11 about unifying method for clicking links.

Wow! Just that easy. Wished I’d know about this years ago. How deep does it go. LibreOffice is an amazing Program, but without all of the wonderful people here in this group, it would be very difficult to get the most out of it.

So thanks so much Earnest, and to everyone in this forum who helps us all with this wonderful Program.

Have a great day.