Cursor JUMPING to middle of next page when using keyboard to move cursor

when i use the down arrow keyboard key to scroll cursor down and i get to the bottom of the page i’m on, the next page skips to the middle of my screen. this confuses my eye and i can’t find where the cursor is or where i’m at on the new page! i think(?) the programers are “trying” to help by having the page skip down like that. not so much! LOL

question: is there a way, a setting i could change that would have the page just scroll to the top of the next page and let ME scroll down more if i WANT to view more of the new page?


How are your settings under
>Tools>Options>LibreOffice Writer>Formatting Aids?
Did you disable some (or many) Formatting Aids?
Did you enable Direct cursor?

This is default behaviour. A few more lines may be shown.
What zoom factor did you set?

i didn’t change any of the defaults under Formating Aids. SHOULD i enable “Direct cursor”? don’t know what “Direct cursor” is or means.

my zoom factor is 100%.

i’m guessing “default behavior” means there’s nothing that can be done and i’ll just have to get used it, right?

I probabvly understand your issue now better.
Left of the zoom ruler are a few icons controlling the page view.
Did you already try Multi-page View ?