Custom Border cell format for repeated use in Calc - Best way to do it

I’m using WIN 11 on a PC, LibreOffice I’m working with a brain injury that greatly reduces my cognitive abilities, so I appreciate your patience. I searched for other posts in this group about this and couldn’t find one that addressed this issue. I also searched through the normal LibreOffice help as well and couldn’t find an explanation that I could understand and follow about this.

What is the best way in Calc to save (or whatever the process needs to be) or create a formatted cell that includes a single line at the top of the cell and a double line at the bottom of the cell, so it can be used over and over as needed without going through the manual formatting process each time? I use this for financial totals on various financial projects and reports.


Cell Styles in Calc

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Thank you. I’ve spent a few hours attempting to figure this out from your suggestion and have found that apparently I don’t have the level of executive brain function needed to do this successfully, due to the brain injury.

So as a work around I simply formatted a cell with the borders needed and saved it on a tab in the spreadsheet and I will copy and paste special, formats only, when I need it.

  • Select it (the formatted cell)
  • Open the sidebar in the Styles group (an A with a paintbrush icon) (you can press F11 to display the Style group, or choose menu Styles - Manage Styles)
  • Click the New Style from Selection button (the second from the right; in the screenshot, an A with a paintbrush and a green plus sign icon)
  • Write a name to your cell style (maybe Totals), and OK
  • Select a cell in which to apply the Totals cell style, and double click on the Totals style name in the styles list.
    Screenshot from 2024-11-10 15-17-11
    Probably, before creating the style, you must choose an appropriate number format to the cell.

Excellent. Thank you so much.

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