Custom gradient colors missing after saving: where are they?

Hrbrgr, first, thank you and Grantler for trying to help, and sorry for reacting to this as a substantial debate, and perhaps there is some misunderstanding. The reason I did not (close my dozen documents) and restart in Safe mode was because I did not see how this would be any different than a new installation, which I tried and had the same problem.

Anyway, I went ahead and started in Safe mode, and had the same experience in seeking to see my added saved custom gradient schemes so that they are listed after closing the saved ODT document and reopening it while still in Safe Mode (as well as closing LO in Safe Mode and relaunching it using the start menu entry LibreOffice (Safe Mode) on Windows, and opening said document, which it showed a recent document).

Attached is the file as a odt as well as a pdf in case the screen shots are not preserved in the former. Next, I will try this under a new Linux Mint install.
LOsafemodeGradientTest1.odt (260.6 KB)
LOsafemodeGradientTest1.pdf (139.3 KB)

@PeaceByJesus I checked your odt file and there was no gradient added in the gradients’ table.
This seems to be a problem if a new/customized gradient is added when applied on page area (possibly on frame area as well).


Try to apply/fixate a new customized gradient to the gradients' table when working on a rectangle or other object of the drawing tools. Probably this is the better way of saving a customized gradient. (For me it was the preferred way to customize a gradient - so I did not check other possibilities - I was too self-confident!) If (!) we are right we could write a featere request to bugzilla.

I found that if I accepted the suggested name Gradient 1 it wasn’t saved after re-opening. This was the same for Page or for a rectangle.

I did find if I gave it a different name, YellowToBlue, then it was saved. It might be that Gradient 1 is a working name that gets overwritten next time the document is opened, similar to Working Path in Photoshop.

Obvious reason:
There are some pre-defined names for gradients. On my system (without user profile; path: /opt/libreoffice7.2/share/palette) you can find 3 sog files (classic.sog; modern.sog; standard.sog). In modern.sog you find the predefined names Gradient 1to Gradient 27.

It seems that if you alter the palettes that the files (e.g. standard.sog) are copied to your user profile (same name as original file) and internally edited (added new gradients with name and properties).

So: If the TO @PeaceByJesus had not created the new gradient style with working on a drawing object - what my assumption is - that the standard.sog was not affected and thus the alteration not saved. We will have to prove that on different systems.

As regards naming, as seen in the file I named it ylw-blu-1, yet after closing that document and reopening it, then as said, while the gradient is applied to the page, yet the custom named gradient is not listed under under Page styles>Area>Gradient in that document, or in a new document.

Next, I plan to test this on a new installation of Linux Mint. As one who likes to customize and save such settings for greater efficiency, then I was hoping to do so in this regard. And I thank God for those who even make such customization possible and their abilities and and those who help! And thank you all here for the interest and help in this perplexing if not major issue.

@PeaceByJesus Have you tried out my workaround?
Until now it seems you only have used frames’ and/or pages’ areas. In this cases a customized gradient will not be saved. Do the procedure on a graphic object, say rectangle or circle and then apply the new gradient’s name.

OK, I tried the Page styles>Area>Gradient>Add>Name(not as Gradient 1)>Save/OK /Apply operation, and saving the odt document and reopening it (as well as closing LO and relaunching it and reopening the document) in a new Linux (Sparky) installation, and experienced the same absence of saved custom gradients, though as said, the applied gradient is still applied, even without its name, and any other saved custom gradients are also missing and thus no long available to be applied under other new styles.

Next, still in Linux I tried creating a drawing and performing the operation with a table (Properties…) as well as a Rectangle, but once again, while a custom gradients is saved as applied after closing out the saved odg document and then reopening it, yet the saved custom gradients, any and all, are missing thus no long available to be applied under other new styles.

I am back into Windows now , tired and hope to look into this more later. Thanks again for the interest and help.

It seems that for page background and frame the gradient is not saved.
Drawing shapes incl. Text Box are saved.

But what is not saved is a transparency value. This could be intentional.

You should write a bug report on Bugzilla.

How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice

Workaround for Text Boxes
Create Text Box with e.g. “Xxx”.
Apply gradient to the Text Box, possibly also with transparency.
Drag the Text Box to the sidebar at Gallery, as follows:
Click on the Text Box for about 2 seconds until the cursor changes its shape.
Hold and drag into Gallery into its own theme.
From there the Text Box can be inserted into any document.

Text Box in Writer

I also attempted the operation under Mint 32 bit and found the same failure. As with LO Portable under W/11 64 bit, as seen my (no-too-smooth) basic short MP4 screen record.

Thanks. tdf#150894

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@PeaceByJesus ,
I have set the bug to status “New” (that is important) and confirmed your description.
Now we have to be patient.

Thanks again; you know your way around here way beyond me. Meanwhile it is only because LO offers this extra degree of enhancement (which I suspect relative few even know about or use) that we have this bug. Yet it sure adds a powerful degree of customization. And I thank God for colors!

This has been listed as a bug here.