Custom gradient colors missing after saving: where are they?

EDIT from @Hrbrgr , Bug entered by @PeaceByJesus


I much appreciate the Format - Area and select Gradient option (missing in Apache) and the extensive ability to customize such, but when I do create/Add custom colors then after I close LO and reopen it then they are nowhere seen.

So if I right click on a document page and hit PageStyle>Area>Gradient (or create a Frame and double left click on the edges and hit Area>Gradient) and create/Add a custom color and use that in a document, then the next time I load the document none of the custom gradients are listed when i go to Area again, even though they are applied/seen in the document I saved.


I tried going to Colors and switching btwn palettes but that does not restore the missing custom colors under Gradient. So I would like to know where these custom colors are stored and how to make them available for future use. I am using LO in Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit, with its program installed in C:\Program Files\LibreOffice, with the user files in %localappdata%\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user.

Also, I wonder why the Format - Area and select Gradient option is not available for Tables? Thank you for any help and I thank God for those who provide LO.

EDIT @Hrbrgr ,

Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit,
LO ver. (x64) and document is saved as ODT.

Edit your question to mention OS name, LO version anf format under which you save your document (.odt or .doc(x)).

Please do not use Add Answer but edit your original question to enhance the details of your question (answers are reserved for solutions to a problem on this Q&A site).

@ajlittoz ,
LO ver. (x64) and document is saved as ODT. I simply cannot find where or if LO saves custom gradient settings, like as shown chosen in image here, so that they are shown on reopening a saved document.

In your screenshot, at the bottom left, there are four gradients that appear to have been created by you.
Did you click on one to select it?

63175 LOgrad.

Custom settings are saved in the user profile.

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Thank you for your interest. Below has been edited for clarification.

  • Yes, I click on gradients that have been created by me and select such as it is available in the present open document, however, though I save the frame Area>Gradient color scheme (or PageStyle>Area>Gradient) and the document saved as .odt and then close and reopen it, then while the actual color format will be shown for that frame, yet (unlike in saving colors under Page>Colors) none of the custom saved schemes will be shown after the document is saved and reopened, nor in another document after LO is properly shutdown (Quickstarter not running) and launched again, as well as the computer itself.

  • Likewise, while I can chose a color area scheme and save it, and copy and paste the frame in a new document, then the scheme will be shown, but none of the Added color schemes will be shown and available to choose from.

  • Thus (to further clarify) the custom Area>Gradient color schemes that were created in a document are not available to choose from after that document is closed and reopened, nor for any other.*

  • Under Right Click>Page Style (or double click on Frame edges)>Area>Gradient, modify and Add custom area gradient scheme:

    Copy frame and paste in new odt doc, or close and reopen saved ODT document with saved custom gradient scheme = Saved Area color scheme missing:

    Versus saving colors under Page>Colors, which will be shown and available to chose from in the future and for all like documents:

…and the odt doc.

What do you mean?

A Document saved as ODT?
A ODT Document saved as DOC?

A Document saved as ODT. I will edit this to avoid confusion.

Thank you for your clarification.
The procedure you describe works for me without any problems.

It almost looks like your user profile is broken.
Try Safe Mode and test the procedure you described,

If it works in Safe Mode your user profile is certainly defective and needs to be replaced.
Save the old user profile first.

Please read both of the following links carefully.
Both refer to the directory path called user profile.
Under Windows
%APPDATA%\libreoffice\4\user (LibreOffice 4 to 7)

Safe Mode

LibreOffice user profile

With me:

Version: (x64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: f85e47c08ddd19c015c0114a68350214f7066f5a
CPU threads: 8; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 19044; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
Locale: de-DE (de_DE); UI: de-DE
Calc: CL

Before you reply or write a comment, please allow enough time for someone who is also writing a comment to correct or add to it.
Otherwise it becomes quite confusing. Thank you.

I have search AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4 for these saved schemes and found none. What would these be called?

Search for standard.sog. At the end of this little file you may find the name and some values of the new gradient. The other gradients are there as well at the beginning of the file.
My new (and later in another new file remembered) gradient had the following code snippet:

<draw:gradient draw:name="YellowToBlueLinear" draw:style="linear" draw:start-color="#ffff00" draw:end-color="#2a6099" draw:start-intensity="100%" draw:end-intensity="100%" draw:angle="0deg" draw:border="0%"/></ooo:gradient-table>

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Sorry, for as a test, I switched to a different computer, Windows 7 pro, 32 bit, and which did not have LO or AO installed, and installed LO on it, created a new document, then inserted a frame, and went to Area>Gradient, and created a custom color scheme, and applied it, and added/saved the scheme, and saved the document as ODT, closed and reopened the ODT, but though the scheme is again applied, yet the saved scheme is not listed and thus not available to be chosen for other Area>Gradient fills one may create or modify after the document is saved and reopened, nor in another document after LO is properly shutdown (Quickstarter not running) and launched again, as well as the computer itself.
gradient-test1.odt (11.9 KB)

Thanks. Aside from back ups, I find 3 instances of standard.sog in

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice 4\presets\config\standard.sog
  • C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\palette\standard.sog
  • %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice\4\user\config\standard.sog

    However, there are no recent changes in any of them nor do I see custom names I used, though I see lines for default area schemes such as

    <draw:gradient draw:name=“Pastel_20_Bouquet” draw:display-name=“Pastel Bouquet” draw:style=“linear” draw:start-color="#dde8cb" draw:end-color="#ffd7d7" draw:start-intensity=“100%” draw:end-intensity=“100%” draw:angle=“300” draw:border=“0%”/>

OS: Version Linux Mint 20.3 Una 64-bit :: Kernel Linux 5.4.0-125-generic x86_64 :: MATE 1.26.0
LibreOffice Version: / LibreOffice Community (PPA source)

In my system the standard.sog is located here (user profile!):

On your Windows machine you only have to search in
(hopefully you will find there the standard.sog.)

All the findspots which contain good old OpenOffice or are located in Program Files (x86) are not relevant for LibreOffice customizing.

If you don’t find the standard.sog file in your LO profile directories so you probably could start in Safe Mode and generate a new LO profile - see @Hrbrgr’s proposal.

Thanks but as said, there is a standard.sog in my LO profile directories
%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice\4\user\config\standard.sog, but none of my added custom color schemes.

And as also said, contrary to a new profile being the answer, see Custom gradient colors missing after saving: where are they? - #11 by PeaceByJesus

So if you open up a document, and then right click in the page, and hit Page styles, and then Gradient, and then chose and modify one and hit Add to create a customized one and name it (+ hit OK), and save the document as odt (though I also tried it with Drawing and Presentation), and close and reopen it, and then repeat the steps to get to Gradient, then the scheme that you named is there for you to choose?

Note that you should see the scheme that you created is applied, but the issue is that none that you created is listed for you to choose from anymore after document is closed and reopened.

As written before: This is not LO’s user profile. Please check


Sorry, I was looking all thru my C drive, but there is no standard.sog anywhere in %AppData%\LibreOffice\4\user\config, and this is also missing from the full brand new install in my other desktop, even in all my C drive, and which only has LibreOffice (no Apache).


It could be that something went wrong with your installations of LibreOffice or that, for example, an antivirus program is causing problems.

General Installation Issues (Windows)

  1. you should not confuse LibreOffice with OpenOffice under any circumstances. Either you have a parallel installation of both programs or you have leftovers of OpenOffice.
    Installing several versions of LibreOffice in parallel

  2. It is not useful if you report two computer systems in the same question. Ask a separate question for each computer system.

    You may want to clean up your PC (s) or get outside qualified help to do so.

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It is indeed useful to report two computer systems in the same question, for as said, this missing function is experienced on a different computer, with a brand new full install of Libre office (and with no OpenOffice, and a clean, new user profile), thus attempts to blame this problem on a corrupt profile, confusion of LibreOffice with OpenOffice, antivirus, etc. and need for outside qualified help are hardly warranted.

I plan to later experiment with installation on a Linux OS.

Meanwhile, are you saying that if you open up a document, and then right click in the page, and hit Page styles, and then Gradient, and then chose and modify one and hit Add to create a customized one and name it (+ hit OK), and save the document as odt (though I also tried it with Drawing and Presentation), and close and reopen it, and then repeat the steps to get to Gradient, then the scheme that you named is there for you to choose?

…then the scheme that you named is there for you to choose?

YES! The procedure you describe works for me without any problems.
I have already announced it.

But since you don’t like my suggestions and think your way of proceeding is better (which is your right), I’m out of here now.
Good luck yet.