Dark mode in

I installed LO today on Windows 11, in Writer in Dark Mode the Menues appear mostly as white squares which sometimes render, sometimes not. If I switch windows to light mode for apps, everything seems to work normally. I switched several times with restarts in between and also using the new Appearance configuration in tools → options. I got some strange limbo state where some things are dark, others light. After a few more switching attempts it was ok again. Anyone else having such issues with the Themes in

I have a similar problem. Opened a years old spreadsheet (daily use) and my spreadsheet seems to have “magically” changed with all my data in a Black font… But my data now sitting in cells with a dark background and no discernable gridlines. I can’t understand what changed (overnight) and have no means of returning the “standard” Calc spreadsheet as it was three days ago.

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