The size of my project gets quite complicated. I am working on a complete business-solution for orthopaedic-workshops. Am using Base only for my own purpose, the real program has to be done by someone who knows how to do it properly and what database to use.
Knowing how a business functions, I am trying to plan the process from the viewpoint of the use. When the user wants to purchase goods he has to go certain steps, from one form to another and maybe back to edit or even cancel.
My question is there a software I can use to visualize the processes, not the relationships of tables?
So you are thinking of an online shop? This is beyond the scope of an office suite. Base is a tool to work with databases in the context of an office suite. After you have your online shop up and running, you may also want to access the database with LIbreOffice.
Sorry for my unclear description. It is not a online shop but a software to administer business tasks, store orders, price-lists and so on. I am using Base only for my development playing with tables, queries and forms. For the real program some other database program might be used by professionals but I can not decide on that.
My task is to say how a workshop functions, what is required to make it simple for the user keeping him from sitting at the computer all day and free time to look after customers.
Sounds like a business logic description. Some ERPs allow you to define your business logic using XML files or even ODT or ODS, but that’s not specific to any LibreOffice functionality.
ERP quite right. Had a look at Odoo again but a standard ERP does not fit our professions needs. Made to measure charts & calculations, production, documentation, dealing with health-insurances and so on.
There are such special programs but they are very expensive. My aim is to support colleagues in developing situations with scarce resources.
Sounds like I posted in the wrong forum. Had a look at ERP’s and am now visualizing the business-processes using Libreoffice Draw which provides the shapes.