I made a database last year to function as a task manager /day planner close to 2 years ago. It was my first DB project in many years, and I really enjoyed it. The DB was in HSQLDB. When I switched to the Firebird engine after an update, the DB completely froze and I could not do anything with it. (I believe this was with LO 6.1 or so, under Widows 10.) I had no idea how to fix it then and abandoned the project until recently.
I opened the old DB file to try to help me design a new version of the DB, and now it seems to be working!?! Is this possible? (I spent hours and hours trying to fix it when it froze. I thought it was not salvageable.) Would this be because of updates?
I want to use this DB while I refresh my knowledge of DB’s over the next month or so and build it again under Firebird. Should I be worried that I’m just setting myself up for more problems, or might it work? I know that nobody can say for sure without examining the DB. I would really appreciate anyone’s educated guess on this. Thank you.