I am in the planning stage of creating a system to keep my class records in order. It would be great if someone can offer any feedback or advice.
I am a teacher wanting to record the content of each day’s lesson (using a number of fields such as materials, activities, songs etc.), student attendance, student responses to some set questions (building a small profile of them such as likes and dislikes etc.), and similar content. I want to be able to use forms (with a limited set of fields for data entry), and reports (for example creating a chronological list of materials and activities used, or all the responses of a particular student).
Am I correct in the following numbered assumptions?:
1 The basic structure is a single database page similar to a spreadsheet, with a column for each of these fields:
Student’s name (attendance: Y/N),
Question 1 student 1 (text field)
Question 1 student 2 (text field)
Question 2 student 1 (text field)
Question 2 student 2 (text field)
Materials (insert multiple items from a picklist)
Songs (insert multiple items from a picklist)
Activities (insert multiple items from a picklist)
New terminology (text field)
2 Each of the picklists can draw from separate databases entitled Materials, Songs, and Activities (and updating these spreadsheets with new materials will update the picklists in the main spreadsheet).
3 Because I want to use forms and reports, and draw picklist content from a separate database, I should use base and not calc.
Thank you very much, I hope someone can give me some pointers.