I am new to Libre Office and live in South African. The date format in my country is dd-mmm-yyy and the number/currency format is 1 000,00 (one thousand only). My language is set to English South Africa with the number format as ZAR R English South Africa. When formatting a number with decimal places the desired result for one thousand is 1 000,00 (not a period separating the Cents from the Rands) and the date format for 5 December 2025 displays as 12 May 2025. How can I correct this for all Calc Spreadsheets? I use an Apple Mac computer and not a Windows computer.
Always enter (type-in) the dates in ISO format: yyyy-mm-dd. Then the Calc will RECOGNISE the date (the numeric value) properly, and then the applied style will reformat them as you have set it in the cell style.
There seems to be some disagreement about correct South African locale settings.
ask118974.ods (42.9 KB)
The filtered spreadsheet shows available locales with comma as decimal separator and non-breaking space as thousands-separator.