Date Fields in Base Far in Future (12/31/2200) After Update

I upgraded a Base application to LibreOffice 24.8 and now dates in forms and in queries look wrong. Specifically they are way out of range: December 31, 2200 seems to the only value that shows up in forms.

As stored in the database, the displayed values have a + (plus) sign in front:


As you can see, a minority of dates are formatted correctly. More curiously, when exported to Calc, all of these off-values are preceded by an apostrophe (’) character, making them appear as text and not numbers. When I remove the apostrophe, the date is still in the future, yet not as far, e.g. 2027, 2029, 2033, 2042, and so on.

Are these dates shifted by a constant that might be used in an UPDATE query to set these straight? I have the latest HSQLDB driver on my system: is there a last known good version?

All on Windows 11, I’m afraid. Cheers.

Does this mean you connect to an external HSQLDB? Or does the bottom line of your Window shows “HSQL embedded”?

The bottom line shows JDBC and then hsqldb:file//C:/<application directory>/<tables directory>/<file>. Under <application directory>, where the .odb file resides, there is a Driver subdirectory with hsqldb.jar. This jar is version 2.7.3.

There are some known bugs with external HSQLDB 2.5 and 2.6. You are using 2.7.3. Don’t know if it is possible to load the same database with hsqldb.jar 2.4.*