Hello y’all,
I new to libreoffice but I do have some experience with SQL so I would like to obtain help from here. My issue is as follow. I have a table that contains a field called TransacDate (which is the date of the transaction). I would like to obtain the week number for each date of transaction. So I wrote the following statement:
SELECT "TransacDate ", DatePart(WW, “TransacDate”) AS TheWeekNum FROM MyTable;
I am receiving the following error message: The data could not be loaded. Access is denied : DATEPART in statement [SELECT "TransacDate ", DatePart(WW, “TransacDate”) AS TheWeekNum FROM MyTable].
I am having the same type of error message when I use WEEKNUM (which perfectly does what I want with LibreOffice Calc)
SELECT "TransacDate ", WEEKNUM(“TransacDate”,1) AS TheWeekNum FROM MyTable.
What am I doing wrong or are these two functions not supported by LibreOffice Base?
Help please.