Dealing with Pictures in a Doc File

Most graphics in files aren’t an issue. But I have a number of document files that contain pix which seem to throw LO for a loop. These are all older files, created with MS Word 6 on a Macintosh (can’t remember the system). I think most of them had originated as jpegs before I pasted them into the file.

When opening one of these documents in LW, the pictures show up blank with a big X on them, and a statement that I need to use Word 6c or later to read “this Macintosh picture.” I no longer have access to that. The odd thing is that I tried uploading those files to the online Word (Office 360 I believe it’s called now) and it claimed it couldn’t open it either. I also tried opening the .doc file in LW by using the filter in the opening dialog to limit files to Word 6 files, to no avail.

And yet it used to work to a certain extent back in 2019 (I think it was LO v4 or thereabouts). I had a file where some of the pictures were opened and not others. I’m going to upload (1) the original .doc file where the pictures show up as I described here, and (2) an .odt file which I started from the .doc file where the first few pictures were transferred and not the later ones.

Conspiracy Theories.doc (841 KB)
Conspiracy Theories.odt (353.1 KB)

Is there any hope of being able to see these pictures?

Opening your file in LibreOffice, I see this:

Searching for the message shown on the crossed image, I see this: Q170466: WD97: Inline Picture Becomes Red X in Word 6.0/95 Format | KnowledgeBase Archive

It seems there was a bug in MS Word 97, which broke the inline images when saved in specific formats, and you seem to had suffered from it. I don’t think there’s something that we can do here.

Yes, LO 3.3 could read 4 first images there. More specifically, this “broke” between 5.4 (where first four were shown, but the last six were missing completely) and 6.0 (where all ten are shown as the crosser text).

I still have Macintoshes in my attic more or less in working order. I don’t remember my Word version but the main problem for converting is some way to transfer your file on diskettes. In addition, some part of the data resides in the “resource fork” while all file systems today understand only the “data fork”.

If you can compress your original Mac file using some Mac utility which packs both forks into the data fork, I could try to attach an HFS SCSI disc to my machine and see if I can extract the images.

I was afraid it might be unfixable. Thanks.

Yes, I’ve seen how Mac files get split into two entities by Windows. Unfortunately with these particular files I no longer have the “other” part of these files. Luckily they were just fun files. Thanks anyway.

Conspiracy Theories - resavedByW97.doc (525 KB)


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