I have several forms where I have a first section with a grid of values and, below, the single fields related to the selected item of the grid.
When observing number fields formatted as CURRENCY (euro), there are several cases where the number diplayed in the grid is wrong: one decimal less than real. Instead, in the database and also in the single field, the number is correct!
I really cannot understand the reason why this could happen and how I can get the correct value.
The definition in the database is DECIMAL(15,2)
One example is number 576,80, that is displayed as “€ 576,79”
Try DECIMAL(15,4) and/or try another form control (formatted field, numeric field, currency field).
Might be this bug: 158669 – Base UI: In a currency field in a table control in a form, the values "9.87" and "8.87" are shown as "£9.86" and "£8.86".
Should be solved in LO
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