Definition of an automatic selection list

I want a certain column, every time I click on a row in this column I will activate this setting, it will work automatically

For example, if I enter 3 words or numbers in 3 lines with alt+down, it gives a selection list giving you what is above

I want each automatic line to give only from a selection list only and not to write down what you want

Prefer a definition for each and every row separately

It is not enough the built-in Autocomplete function for you?

Or you can use the Data validity feature. Use “Cell range” from the target range for the selection list.

Data validity.ods (12.6 KB)

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Regarding your question, is it not enough for me?
Indeed, I want it to be structured, I can send you an Excel file that is structured like this

And regarding the downloadable file if you could send it to Google Drive with a link here it would be helpful because the security filter I have on the internet prevents me from downloading it

הוצאות כללי.xlsx (976.9 KB)

Further to @Zizi64 here is help for Data Validity, Validity