How do I delete an envelope once inserted into a document? I have tried for he best part of half an hour without success.
I am sorry, but I really cannot avoid a rant here. I attach to a document an envelope (which also, if the rest were not bad enough, never prints the way I want it to). Then I find:
- The letter itself never prints; only the envelope. Print preview shows bot parts, but print shows, and prints, only
the envelope. - There is no way I can find to delete the envelope
- And there is nothing, not one word, in the writer 6.0 manual about how one can delete the insertion.
The whole thing lacks any kind of visual clue. I have seen, on the net, people ranting about this and other perceived shortcomings. It is not enough to say “the software is free”. No, it is not. I have contributed. I have expended effort to learn the software (more especially the spreadsheet part). How can the manual be so incomplete (either in indexing or, peraps it is the cross referencing), that it gives no clue how do undo what I have just done?