Deleting footers from scanned PDF in Writer - global command

I converted a PDF to text using ABBYY 14 in Windows 10 to translate it in OmegaT / Linux. When I opened the document in LibreOffice in Debian 11, it shows text boxes in the footers and in each page it is identified as "Footer (Converted 1)… second page shows Footer (Converted 2) and so on.

I do not want to keep the footer and I am going page by page clicking on the Footer and deleting it; very time consuming.

  • Is there a way to delete all footers in a global command?
    Thank you.

@Thelma Did you want to post your question here, or in the English category?

When I OCR a document, I save it as plain text and then format it in Writer using the original pdf as a guide if needed. This avoids problems with multiple unnecessary styles, strange formatting issues, etc. and overall, is faster. In these circumstances the strange formatting issue of text boxes in footers does not arise.

I strongly advise following my method of work.

[Translation by Google]
Você queria postar sua pergunta aqui ou na categoria Inglês?

Quando faço o OCR de um documento, eu o salvo como texto simples e, em seguida, formato-o no Writer usando o PDF original como guia, se necessário. Isso evita problemas com vários estilos desnecessários, problemas estranhos de formatação, etc. e, no geral, é mais rápido. Nestas circunstâncias, o estranho problema de formatação das caixas de texto nos rodapés não surge.

Aconselho fortemente seguir meu método de trabalho.

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OK, the suggestion is accepted.
Thank you.