Dependent dropdowns and dynamic named ranges

I’m having an interesting issue with dynamic named ranges and the INDIRECT() function. I’m trying to use one dropdown to select which dynamic range appears in a second dropdown.

As far as I can tell, the dynamic range is being created correctly. If I take the equation that creates the dynamic named range and put it directly in the dropdown’s data validation equation, the list populates correctly.

The problem comes when I try to use INDIRECT() to use the 1st dropdown to choose what range the second dropdown displays. I just get a #REF error in the list.

I’ve attached a sample spreadsheet to illustrate my point, so I hope this makes sense.

I realize that a simple solution to this would simply be to separate out each part category to a different sheet, so that all ranges can be static ranges, but I really want to have all parts in a single sheet.

I feel like I may be running up against a feature limitation of LibreOffice Calc, as everything I can find makes it seem like I’m doing this correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Parts Test.ods

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When you pull up the Validity dialog box do you have “cell range” selected in the allow: dropdown menu?

Yep. When I put the formula that calculates the range directly in the validity dialog, it works correctly, It breaks when using INDIRECT() to get the range name from another cell.

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@anon73440385 - Leave it up to me to screw up my first day here.

@vockleya, I used named areas, check …

The Validation formula: OFFSET(TabPart;MATCH(A2;TabPartType;0)-1;0;COUNTIF(TabPartType;A2);1)

Test file

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That’s so much simpler that I was making it. Thanks for the help.

The Part Type column must be ordered.

By the way, the formula


looks a little shorter, but does the same

@JohnSUN, I hadn’t imagined using such a simple formula, thanks.