I have this deployment script (src) for deploying python macros to LibreOffice (see below) and I want to make the script work on Windows and not just Linux.
However, when I try to deploy with it using it on Windows 7 the zip file created ends up with the C:\ (really C__) in the path where the script is deployed; and I believe that it’s really expecting it to be in Scripts/python
not Scripts/python/C__
…the file that is deployed to won’t open afterwards stating something about it being corrupt.
from zipfile import ZipFile
import shutil
import sys
import os
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("Usage: {} scriptfile hostdocument".format(sys.argv[0]))
MACRO_FILE = sys.argv[1]
DOCUMENT_FILE = sys.argv[2]
MANIFEST_PATH = 'META-INF/manifest.xml';
EMBED_PATH = 'Scripts/python/' + MACRO_FILE;
hasMeta = False
with ZipFile(DOCUMENT_FILE) as bundle:
# grab the manifest
manifest = []
for rawLine in bundle.open('META-INF/manifest.xml'):
line = rawLine.decode('utf-8');
if MACRO_FILE in line:
hasMeta = True
if('</manifest:manifest>' in line) and (hasMeta == False):
for path in ['Scripts/','Scripts/python', EMBED_PATH]:
manifest.append('<manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="application/binary" manifest:full-path="{}"/>').format(path))
# remove the manifest and script file
with ZipFile(DOCUENT_FILE + ".tmp", 'w') as tmp:
for item in bundle.infolist():
buffer = bundle.read(item.filename)
if(item.filename not in [MANIFEST_PATH, EMBEDED_PATH]):
tmp.writestr(item, buffer)
# os.replace(DOCUMENT_FILE + '.tmp', DOCUMENT_FILE); # for python 3.3+
shutil.move(DOCUMENT_FILE + '.tmp', DOCUMENT_FILE)
with ZipFile(DOCUMENT_FILE, 'a') as bundle:
bundle.write(MACRO_FILE, EMBED_PATH)
bundle.writestr(MANIFEST_PATH, ''.join(manifest))
print("Added the script {} to {}".format(MACRO_FILE, DOCUMENT_FILE))