My distro Linux Mint 16 has labelled Libreoffice program launcher as untrusted applications and then asks “launch anyway” . This involves 2 extra mouse clicks as it defaults to the do not launch button. I have searched through all the menus rtc that I can. Is there a way to call the icon trusted and end this irritation?
Of course this is an OS/desktop issue, not a LibreOffice issue. Have you checked the appropriate forums? I’ve got these:
- (no reply)
- (old, but marked “solved”)
- (seems to have solutions)
It is also best to add what desktop environment you’re using (Cinammon? MATÉ? KDE? Xfce?), and how the launcher was created (and where is it? menu? desktop?). If you check the properties of the launcher, who owns it? is it marked “executable”?
Thank you. Will do.
Do let us know how you solve the issue - in case others should turn up here with the same problem. Thanks!