I’m wondering how good of a practice this is: declare the variable and assign a value to it on one line, separating the two parts with a colon (:).
Anyone want to chime in on why they do or don’t do that?
You have the right to write Dim lB1&: lB1 = LBound(aData, 1) : Dim uB1&: UB1 = UBound(aData, 1) : Dim lB2&, uB2&: lB2 = LBound(aData, 2): UB2 = UBound(aData, 2)
, but what will you benefit from this? For example, when posting this code here, it will look like this:
Dim lB1&: lB1 = LBound(aData, 1) : Dim uB1&: UB1 = UBound(aData, 1) : Dim lB2&, uB2&: lB2 = LBound(aData, 2): UB2 = UBound(aData, 2)
Is this easy to read?
I just wondered if it’s a beneficial practice from an audit standpoint. But I’m all for calling UB1. He’s my only hope…
I often put the dim statement and the initialization of the variable into one line. That is in most cases short enough, so that no horizontal scrolling is needed and corresponds to the style used in other programming languages. I do not put two or more variables into one line. That would be confusing and impedes setting breakpoints.