Does anyone know how to disable menu items like (Save,SaveAs,etc…) using Python UNO APIs at runtime using port listening? Thanks
Are you looking to just disable (not remove) specific menu items? When (circumstance) & are you then looking to re-enable them? Not sure exactly what is meant by port listening? At application or document level?
Yes, not removing. I am looking to disable and enable menu item programmatically at application level. Thanks.
There is a Java example at Disable Commands - Apache OpenOffice Wiki.
It connects to LibreOffice listening on a port as you requested. It should be straightforward to translate this into Python if you have experience with PyUNO.
OK, below is the code translated from Java to Python. Before running it, start LibreOffice in listening mode.
To run it on Windows, use the python.exe that is bundled with LibreOffice. On my system, it is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 5\program\python.exe
# Translated by Jim K from
import uno
from import PropertyValue
from import NoSuchElementException
from import WrappedTargetException
from import URL as uno_URL
class DisableCommandsTest:
"""Provides example code how to enable/disable commands."""
# A list of command names
aCommandURLTestSet = [
def __init__(self):
self.uno_objs = UnoObjs()
def run_test(self):
# First we need a defined starting point. So we have to remove
# all commands from the disabled set!
# Check if the commands are usable
# Disable the commands
# Now the commands should not be usable anymore
# Remove disable commands to make Office usable again
def testCommands(self, bDisabledCmds):
"""Test the commands that we enabled/disabled."""
print("testCommands " + ("disabled" if bDisabledCmds else "enabled"))
for sCommand in self.aCommandURLTestSet:
# Prepare the URL
aURL = uno_URL()
aURL.Complete = ".uno:" + sCommand
dummy, aURL = self.uno_objs.transformer.parseSmart(aURL, ".uno:")
# Try to get a dispatch object for our URL
xDispatch = self.uno_objs.frame.queryDispatch(aURL, "", 0)
if xDispatch:
if bDisabledCmds:
print("Something is wrong, I got dispatch object for "
+ aURL.Complete)
print("OK, Got dispatch object for " + aURL.Complete)
if not bDisabledCmds:
"Something is wrong, I cannot get dispatch object for "
+ aURL.Complete)
print("OK, no dispatch object for " + aURL.Complete)
def enableCommands(self):
"""Ensure that there are no disabled commands in the user layer. The
implementation removes all commands from the disabled set!
# Set the root path for our configuration access
xPropertyValue = PropertyValue()
xPropertyValue.Name = "nodepath"
xPropertyValue.Value = "/org.openoffice.Office.Commands/Execute/Disabled"
# Create configuration update access to have write access to the
# configuration
xAccess = self.uno_objs.configProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(
# Retrieves the names of all Disabled nodes
aCommandsSeq = xAccess.getElementNames()
for sCommand in aCommandsSeq:
# remove the node
except WrappedTargetException as exc:
except NoSuchElementException as exc:
# Commit our changes
def disableCommands(self):
"""Disable all commands defined in the aCommandURLTestSet array."""
# Set the root path for our configuration access
xPropertyValue = PropertyValue()
xPropertyValue.Name = "nodepath"
xPropertyValue.Value = "/org.openoffice.Office.Commands/Execute/Disabled"
# Create configuration update access to have write access to the
# configuration
xAccess = self.uno_objs.configProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(
aArgs = ()
for index, sCommand in enumerate(self.aCommandURLTestSet):
# Create the nodes with the XSingleServiceFactory of the
# configuration
xNewElement = xAccess.createInstanceWithArguments(aArgs)
# We have a new node.
if xNewElement:
# Create a unique node name.
aCmdNodeName = "Command-"
aCmdNodeName += str(index)
# Insert the node into the Disabled set
xNewElement.setPropertyValue("Command", sCommand)
xAccess.insertByName(aCmdNodeName, xNewElement)
print("Not inserting node for " + sCommand)
# Commit our changes
def resetURL(self, aURL):
"""reset URL so it can be reused
@param aURL the URL that should be reseted
aURL.Protocol = ""
aURL.User = ""
aURL.Password = ""
aURL.Server = ""
aURL.Port = 0
aURL.Path = ""
aURL.Name = ""
aURL.Arguments = ""
aURL.Mark = ""
aURL.Main = ""
aURL.Complete = ""
class UnoObjs:
def __init__(self):
localContext = uno.getComponentContext()
resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
"", localContext)
initialObject = resolver.resolve(
self.ctx = initialObject.getPropertyValue("DefaultContext")
self.smgr = self.ctx.ServiceManager
self.desktop = self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
"", self.ctx)
self.frame = self.desktop.getCurrentFrame()
if not self.frame:
raise Exception("Could not get frame")
self.dispatcher = self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
"", self.ctx)
self.transformer = self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
"", self.ctx)
self.configProvider = self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext(
"", self.ctx)
if __name__ == '__main__':
test = DisableCommandsTest()
I don’t have much expertise in PyUNO and I tried to translate the java example but couldn’t do it.
See edited answer.
When using the provided solution (or any similar), please consider possible failures (like LO crashes) and how that could impair user experience if changes don’t get properly reverted.