I have a macro (simplified version below-edited, thanks rautamiekka) to insert certain special characters into a writer document. The macro prompts for user input (an Ascii character) selects the required unicode character and inserts it in the document. Although it worked in the past, the in the latest version of LO (4.2.7) the prompt does not display the unicode characters properly. Any ideas why this is (not) happening?
sub InsertSpecial
rem insert a special character from a menu
DIM s$, s1$, s2$, oText As Object, oVCurs As Object
oText = ThisComponent.Text
oVCurs = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
s = "A ∀ B ∵ T ∴" & Chr$(10)
s2 = InputBox(s,"Insert Special Character","A")
If s2 = "" Then Exit Sub
s1 = UCase(Left(s2,1))
Select Case s1
Case "A" : s1 = "∀"
Case "B" : s1 = "∵"
Case "T" : s1 = "∴"
End Select
oText.insertString(oVCurs, s1, False)
oText.insertString(oVCurs, Mid(s2, 2), False)
end sub