How could I divide my A4 page to 4 partition of A6.
I want to work on A4 Page that divided into 4 parts. and any part to act like a page. it’s mean if i doing page number its ill add any part a page number.
Been tried to change the document page size to A6, and print 4 documents of A6 on A4, but its printed the document very tinny.
since the printer think the page its A6. then it print the four documents of A6 on size of A6. instead of Four regular size A6 on A4.
and tried aslo that way: There is the option of Styles → Page → Columns and over there you can split the page into columns like magazine or journalist page.
but that the problem, you can split only to columns, there isn’t option of rows.
Tried to use table, but it doesn’t doing the work like I wanted to, since Tables won’t acts like page, and doesn’t got the properties that page got.
Looking for One Column and 1 Row to make my A4 page to 4 parts of A6. and to act like a page.
Thanks, Itai