Do not add space?

On a rather large existing document that I have to make all kinds of edit to, how to I tell write to NEVER “add space between paragraphs of the same style” .

Currently EVER TIME I insert something, I get the stupid space back. I have to go into Paragraph, Indent & Spacing and turn the space off.

AAAAAHHHH!!! </editorial comments>

Many thanks,

This sounds like you’re adding direct formatting over your text if this means you’re doing it with manu Format (or right-click)>Paragraph. In this case, you’re aggravating the problem.

Global tuning of formatting and layout is possible only with strict styling policy. Any even small pinch of direct formatting spoils everything.

This is something you need to set for all the styles you have in use.

  • Open the Manage styles tool in the right side panel.
    A-paintbrush icon in the panel toolbar, function key F11 or menu item Styles - Manage styles.
  • The currently active paragraph style will be selected in the list. Right click and select Modify.
  • Select dialog tab Indent and spacing
  • Last item in the Spacing section of that dialog page is what you are looking for. Tick!

If you have in use multiple styles where you want this behavior, and they are not “subordinates” (direct or indirect dependents) of the one you already edited, you have to do this for all those styles.

This “spacing problem” in various inflections is most often reported when using the Text body style. Several of the frequently used styles are dependents of that style, and might not need separate editing. The optimal path to proceed is not to manually adjust each paragraph, nor to revert to the style named default xxx, but rather to adjust the style(s) you are using. This rights all wrongs in one go (hopefully)

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Thank you!

I wrote myself a quick keeper:

LibreOffice Writer:

NEVER “add space between paragraphs of the same style” of
an existing document:

to select the entire document
→ Styles
→ Manage Styles (at the bottom)
→ Right Click on “Default Paragraph Styles” (at the top of the tree)
→ Edit Style
→ Indents & Heading (tab):
Check "Do not add space between paragraphs of the same style”
→ Apply
→ Okay


As a quick fix for your entire document, it looks like you found the most efficient procedure. However, in the (rare?) case where you utilize styles with hierarchical inheritance of properties, that procedure probably sets the property explicitly (i.e. no inheritance) at every style level. You need to be aware of that if you use inheritance actively and change your mind about certain style elements (and their subordinates).

Probably not an issue for you at this time, but I thought I’d mention it anyway :wink: