I had written a program in Access 2013 and it includes some Macros and VBA codes to automate certain tasks.
The client could not afford to buy volume licences for MS Office Pro Plus which includes MS Access.
Can anyone please let me know if I could suggest they use LibreOffice Base to run my program? Would they run into any issues running the program? If so, what?
I would appreciate your help very much.
Hi anonymous, :-), To get a better idea of how hard the translation might be, please provide more specifics and details about the nature of the macros used, and the overall complexity of the project so I can make a more reasonable assessment of how hard the transition might be. Also how much is the license cost, total? Clearly that is an important fact here. You can attach the VBA to your question above. And it would be best to not post this as anonymous because you might never see the Answer.
To transfer from Access to Base all forms need to be re-done. Tables, possibly queries can be transferred with a process. Macros are not compatible. They need to be completely re-done. There is some help in using similar syntax with Access2Base.