Document recovery revised

lost document when comp shut down unexpectedly. but prev doc was saved. how might I recover?

You don’t provide much information to help us to help you!

First of all, why do you say that the document was lost? Was it “missing” from wherever you expected to find it? Where was that exactly?

And which Operating System are you using? And which version of LibreOffice?

Please edit your question to provide this helpful information. Then we can help you more effectively.

Sorry. WIN11 Libre

I was taken away from my desk for an extended period while the computer was on. It shut down. All docs closed. Some saved (for ex, one called DRAFTS) as intended in their new state, others did not, but this left the “new” text (which had been transferred from one doc—DRAFTS—to another, ironically, to the one not) “lost” because it was deleted from its original place and was to be saved in its new placement.

It should have been saved automatically in its new document and I do not understand why it wasn’t. When I recovered the documents upon restart I expected to see ALL the documents saved as they had been left.

My hope is that, somehow, I might be able to recover an older version of DRAFTS where it had been ACTUALLY saved in the original document. Is there any way that is possible?

…And thank you for taking the time to respond.

You are welcome. That is what this site is all about.

… an older version of DRAFTS where it had been ACTUALLY saved in the original document

Sorry, I am confused by this. Have I missed something about the relationship between DRAFTS and “the document”?

And, how do you find your documents? Are you using LO’s Recent Document list, or are you using Microsoft’s file manager (whatever they call it in Win11)??

There were 4 docs. OF them, one was DRAFTS, one was doc I was writing and moving a section from DRAFTS to the doc in progress. MS has nothing to do with this.

You’ll want to use a file manager to find the file, you may as well use the built in Microsoft File Explorer.

Have a look at this comment and work your way through it, Lost unsaved documents after unrequested update - #9 by EarnestAl

MS has nothing to do with this.

You misunderstood my question.

Sorry. I see what you’re saying now. I use Recent Documents. But the files I am opening there are the files that were recovered when the computer opened after this incident.There are no older files in Recent Documents. That’s the prob

Your missing files almost certainly still exist, and can be found by following the suggestion above by @EarnestAl . I think even MS Windows stores them in a “Documents” folder or directory.

Thank you I’ve posted reply

Thank you however your instructions in this case are not really clear. I used File Explorer at first when this occurred and found nothing. Your instruction has to do with “Windows Update” and this was not an update occurrence. I don’t know what the “Tools” reference means especially when you then refer back to “C:” etc.

Thank you however your instructions are not really clear. I used File Explorer when this occurred but found nothing. Your instruction concerns “Windows Update” This was not an update occurrence. I don’t know what the “Tools” reference means especially when you then refer back to “C:” etc.

Thank you. However your posted response seems to be a reply to a Windows update problem and that was not the concern in this matter. I did check the File Explorer first thing for a solution but that didn’t help. No older docs were located. Also, I’m confused about the “Tools” reference, especially when you move on to the “C:\” maneuver.

I’ve attempted reply several times but the “robot” will not allow.

Ignore the bit about update, the problem was the computer shut down unexpectedly and LibreOffice could not answer is state and files, same as you.

You need to make sure the menu in LibreOffice is displayed. If you are on the Tabbed interface then there is an icon at the left hand end with tooltip Menubar, click it to toggle visibility of menu. The breadcrumb trail *Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Paths starts in the menu.

If you don’t know about the filing structure on your computer, then read this page, File management - The Document Foundation Wiki

Now I’m with you. I know what you mean. So, I go to the DRAFTS document and you believe I might be able to access an older version from that access point? I’ll try that. Thanks. Get back to you shortly.

No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying that a temporary file might have been created. Normally the temporary file is deleted when LibreOffice is closed properly. If there is no time for LibreOffice to shut down tidily then the temporary files might still exist. By copying a temporary file to another folder, you might be able to open the file from LibreOffice and save as a new document.

The first step of using File Explorer to look for the file in its usual location is taken as assumed

Well, sorry–and sorry it took so long–robot would not let me post sooner–that too was a dead end. I checked every file I could imagine and everything was, literally, empty. Including check all the temp files. Again, I don’t know why the computer shut down, nor why these random files either saved or did not save properly. But it seems this data was lost.