documentation.libreoffice - What's up with the list numbers train wreck?

RE: Chapter 13 Getting Started with Macros

Numbered-lists’ prefix; e.g., 1) being displayed on top of first character

Issue observed using Firefox v66.0.3 64-bit

image description

Chrome v73.0.3683.103 (Chrome is not my favorite browser) has its list-issues too, but with bulleted-lists being bollixed up the same as in Firefox

image description

Numbered-lists in Chrome have no space between the n) and the first character

Thanks for pointing this non-quality, but strictly speaking this is not a LibreOffice usecase issue. Unless contributors are members of TheDocumentFoundation, there is little chance this may be fixed.

I had a look at page source code. From it, I think it is not an original HTML document but a Writer doc exported as a web page. There may be consistency problems between Writer styles and their translation in CSS. The best solution would be to get in touch with the site maintainers. You’ll find a mail list @ddress in the Feedback section of the page.

Hello ajlittoz,
Thank you for your kind reply, and the introduction to TheDocumentFoundation. Would sending a link of this thread to, attention Contributors, be adequate?

I am a new LibreOffice user unsure of just about everything; including where I’m supposed to ask questions, and knowing when the issue I’m asking about is a bug; or, more probably, my own lack of knowledge.

Since I am only (?) a power user and no developer, I just guess when questions are beyond quirks about LO usage. However, I think the @ddress you mentioned is the right one as it is given in the faulty page. After all, “they” are the editors and responsible for their own site. Giving a link to this thread in your e-mail is a good idea. They are probably techies there, so try to give as much technical details as you can, though in this case, the annoyance is clearly visible (I experience the same with Firefox under Linux).

Mention also your e-mail in a comment once you have sent it, so that other readers are notified of the follow-ip.