Documents not printing on full sheet

For the last few months, any documents I try to print show up correctly in Print Preview, but when I go to Print, or actually print them out, the page is cut in half vertically, the upper part of the page is cut off, and that is what is printed. Thus one page, becomes 2 pages on vertical half sheets with the upper printing cut off. I have a Mac computer and just downloaded the new OS, Catalina hoping that would help. I found the following but didn’t see the directions for the Mac:

Tested in and (installed in an attempt to fix the problem) My documents are designed for A4 , printer is a native A4. When looking at the fullscreen print preview - everything is OK. when pressing Ctrl-P - preview is squshed in the left, vertical center of the portrait. not using the whole page. As if top, right and bottom margins were ~
This happens when printing to paper, or exporting to PDF.

answered Sep 2 '15
deleted ~/.config/libreoffice

  • everything is back to normal :slight_smile:

I’ve the same problem on Mac Yosmete. Where can I find the config file?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Test, to see if it is a user profile problem (config)

Start in Safe Mode using Help -> Restart in Safe Mode -> Button: Continue in Safe Mode

Archive your profile expanding Advanced and click Archive User Profile button

Click button Continue in Safe Mode

Open a file and test print whether the problem is gone

(This is a test, because Safe Mode uses a fresh user profile independent from your current profile)

There is no Safe Mode for the versions mentioned in the question. Safe mode has been introduced in LibreOffice Version 5.3 - See Release Notes 5.3 - Safe Mode but OP’s seems to use pretty old releases of LibreOffice. OPs only choice is to:

  • Stop LibreOffice
  • Rename /Users/<use>/Library/Application Support/LibreOffice/4 to /Users/<use>/Library/Application Support/LibreOffice/4.bak.2020-07-23
  • Start LibreOffice
  • Check, whether this fixes the problem (and restore the original directory, if not).

I’d suggest to install LibreOffice Version 6.4.5 on Catalina now and to perform a reset to factory settings.

I stand corrected. Sorry.