Hi there, to whoever may be around. I’ve used LO for document creation for a number of years. Made many complex documents with images, borders, fonts, and etc. carefully built for my needs. Been great for years.
Until now.
As of last week, any document I want to open with any kind of formatting beyond standard paragraphs has been majorly bunked up. It’s like… everything gets bigger, irrespective of everything else. Font gets larger, so that text that fit neatly on one line is now too large and has to cut itself off onto two different lines. Text centered between images A and B now overlaps with both images. Borders get bigger and start overlapping with neighboring borders. Spacing between things gets bigger so that a space with two “paragraphs” of text suddenly has the lower text much further down the page. Etc. EVERYTHING gets bigger. (Except for embedded images…) It’s completely screwed up a large number of documents I use and made them unusable.
I’ve attached an image above. The left side is the “correct” side. This is the thumbnail as seen in the “open a document” window. The right side is the current side. It’s what it looks like currently in Libre Office.
I checked and there was no update between the last time the documents opened correctly and now. Still, I tried rolling back to a previous update and no change in results. The thumbnails of the files, as-saved, still show the file correctly (though very small). But when opening the files, they’re screwy. I haven’t changed any settings or profile in the program. This happens to new files/edits that were just made in the last week or so, as well as older files/versions of files that are many years old. These are all files that I’ve used and edited/opened multiple times in the past without issue.
I have not saved any document since discovering this. Every time it’s close > do not save changes to [document].
To be clear, this is just one document included in the photo for example purposes, but it has happened to all of my Writer documents with custom formatting. Most of them are little more than a nuisance - formatting changes in the same way but there was enough white space to not matter, or to require very little correction to put to rights. Other documents are like the pictured example where the entire thing is basically ruined and I’ve lost dozens of hours of work. There are no problems with my calc documents at this time, but I’m also worried problems may arise there.
Is there a way to make documents open exactly like the thumbnail preview? Is there a way to easily return a document to the proper/correct formatting? Failing that, if I have to rebuild everythign basically from scratch, is there a way that I can save/backup/etc. my documents in the future that can avoid this problem?