Does LibreOffice have ability to label Cd's and DVD's?

I would like to create cd/dvd labels. Does LibreOffice have templates for that?

The era of CDs and DVDs was 1990’s to early 2000’s, so check out the OpenOffice templates.

You might prefer to use Draw, you can add a top white layer with slightly larger than CD size holes cut so any spill over of images can be covered over and not print. It is also easier to place text on a curve to match the radius in Draw than Writer. Cheers, Al

If you have branded labels, see if they are listed in the LO Writer menu File > New > Labels and select the Labels. Select your label brand in Brands first. If you don’t have A4 labels (A4 is a paper size), then don’t select the A4 sizes. Then select the label number in the Type field

Thank you so very much for your timely reply. Will try. I am admittedly old and old school. Something about having it in my hand rather than depending on a “cloud” since clouds disappear when you’re not looking.


Have only worked a little with these types of labels. See this post → How do I design a template for labels for CD/DVD that use a database? That post was also dealing with inserting data from a database.

In LibreOffice I did not find much in the way of cd/dvd labels but as the other post notes you can get some for companies like Avery. Here is the Avery 5697 label I used in that post and converted to a template:

Other labels may be available from Avery or other companies. Don’t know how you want to use but placing information on labels is fairly easy.

Thank you for answering my question so quickly. I will check those types of companies out. NCH seems to have a number of niche type programs.