I try to compose a scientific paper with LibreOffice 3.6.1, which includes seven Figures, inported as .emf Enhanced Metafile Data from a save of OpenOffice Draw. The total size of the .odf document is about 15 MB, which is large but not overly large.
However, when I try to save the document as odf, LibreOffice will randomly crash during saving. Add a new Figure, save - crash. Add a caption to the Figure, save - crash. Change the font size of that caption, save - crash. Maybe on every third attempt or so it won’t crash, but the other times I need to restore the document back to the last state and redo all changes since then. As I am a scientist and this is part of my work, I simply cannot afford such behaviour. It takes an enormous amount of time.
I uninstalled completely, and went back to LibreOffice 3.5, but the result was the same. Finally, in order to get this document done, I went back to OpenOffice, and this seems to be more stable in this respect.
Sorry to report this, do others have similar experiences? Or even any solutions?
(Operating system: Win7 Ultimate, 64bit; 8GB of RAM, Intel Core i7 processor)