Donation from India


Donation drop-down of currency shows ‘INR’ currency when you go via google search link, but if you go via ‘Donation’ link via, it doesn’t.
Also, in first case if you go via google search, and select ‘INR’ and click on ‘credit card’ it starts downloading binary instead of taking to payment page - I tried 3 times but same result. Do you have any dedicated mail box for resolving donation issues?

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Note we are only enthusiastic users of LO and not TDF officials. We are not involved with donations to TDF.


see link Questions about your donation? Send us an email on Donate to LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft - which directs to

Thanks @ajlittoz @anon73440385
I have edited the qus with correct tag. I am able to donate successfully.

Closing the question now.

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