Donation methods

Hi I use Libre extensively for business (Started with Star Office) and update regularly. I would like to suggest a different form of donation - why not have a Libre “Club” with an annual membership fee of say 50 - 100$ pa. Perhaps club members could get some small perk like a more direct route for making suggestions etc and perhaps the ability to contact other members. A FB for Libre sort of thing.

Really appreciate the work thats been done - great bit of software.

Well, The Document Foundation (TDF) doesn’t pay any developers. This is done by independent companies. If you donate money to TDF then your money goes into infrastructure, marketing, events, and etc…

If you want to suggest new features, then you can do this by opening a new bug ticket at our bugzilla ( ) and hope that SOMEBODY will work on that. Since this depends on a developer finding your request interesting, this could range from being implemented the following day to never being considered…

Therefore if you want to have any special feature that you really need, you might want to offer a “bounty” at or similar “bounty boards”.

Sorry, the point was to provide an easy way to make donations on an annual basis. I would be happy to commit $100 annually to avoid the donation request every time I update.

You don’t have to donate to download and there is no way to skip the donation page if you click on the Download link. However you can always jump directly to the download page regardless of your donation

the ‘donation page’ you mention is really a download page… it is the page that is displayed while the download is going-on… there is no obligation to donate to download (nor to download to donate for that matter :slight_smile: )

If the text itself offend you, you can fairly easily write a little GreaseMonkey script to remove it so it does not display in your web browser