Double Click on Filename Doesn't Open File

Hello, I am Songmistress. I would like to have assistance. I have Libre Office on my home PC. It has stopped allowing me to “open documents”. I have no problem viewing the folders, and which documents are in them

Double clicking the name of the particular document does not show me anything. Do you have any suggestions? This trouble opening docs began today. What other details would be helpful to you? Many thanks, Songmistress

Edit [Opaque] Added a short title and put details into description of the question.

May be your file associations have been removed or changed. Are you using Windows? If yes - open your File Manager (Windows Explorer), go to the directory were one of your Writer file is stored and do not double click on the file name but right click with your mouse and select Open with from the context menu. Select "LibreOffice Writer` as the application and don’t forget to check option Always use this app to open .odt files.

Have you installed MS Office, which recently received an update?

@anon73440385, the file allocation may also be lost through a Windows update.

Your comment is also a good answer. :slight_smile:

I have the same problem.

My associations are set up.

Libreoffice does not open .odt files on a doubleclick or on using Open With on the context menu.

I can only open Libreoffice documents from within Libreoffice.

I do not have MS Office.

It has been like this for years.

Meaning: By using open-with you are shown “LibreOffice” as default, with a set checkmark ?
Even then - if it is not working in windows, try to set this again, first to something other, to see, if Windows can do it. You may try Wordpad. If calling Wordpad works, set again to LibreOffice.
Maybe you will be forced to go down to show other programs and select the path of LibreOffice.exe in the programs folder… Sometimes Windows is like this, requiring a bit of additional guiding.

Yes, It’s been the default association since I installed Libreoffice on updating from Staroffice.

Switching away from Libreoffice as the default association to Opera (didn’t open, of course, but it was for the association redirection) and back appears to have worked.

So it is solely a Windows issue.