Download java on a Mac M1

How, in the name of the good lord, do you download Java on a mac M1 and make sure LO sees it? I have been banging my head for over an hour and going through their FAQs but no joy.
Everytime I start LO I get a warning saying that

LibreOffice requires Oracle’s Java Development Kit (JDK) on macOS 10.10 or greater to perform this task. Please install them and restart LibreOffice. Frequently asked questions - General - The Document Foundation Wiki

but no matter what I do, nothing changes. there are a lot of topics on the matter, but I couldn’t make any proposed solution work.

Said that, I can just close that popup and the program works (seemingly) fine, so I might well keep ignoring that warning,

If you don’t need the features that need Java, don’t install Java. You need to find out, what is that “this task” - is that some extension you installed maybe?

Java is only needed for some assistants and to use the default HSQLDB in Base (as this is written in Java), but there are others, so in most cases you can ignore this. But it is annoying.
To solve this you should at first find out, what you have. I read for example the version from the AppStore on MacOS is not allowed to be extended by java (Apples rules), so nothing you would do will help unless you exchange it for another version, wich allows this.

Yes, I had read that too. It seems that if you avoid the app store you should be OK, but no matter what I do, the warning stays.
At the moment I have installed Javac 23, which is what I tried to do (following the link on the LO relevant page), but LO doesn’t see it, unless I need to enter some path which I don’t know.

Please provide the full version information from LibreOffice’s HelpAbout, and the full filename of the downloaded Java - I suspect architecture mismatch (e.g., ARM vs. x64)

Where in your file system did you install the JDK?
Strictly speaking, an “Oracle” JDK isn’t required, there are alternatives to Oracle JDK, for example OpenJDK, which will work with, and be recognized by, Libre Office.

I downloaded the file from here:
bottom of the page where it says

On macOS 10.10 and newer, please note that you need to install JDK, not JRE. You may find download links choosing JDK version on this page. Note that Apple M1 is an Arm 64 architecture.

On macOS 10.09, neither JRE, nor JDK are found.

LibreOffice releases available from Apple App Store don’t include Java support at all, because apps distributed in the App Store are not allowed to depend on optional functionality like Java.

I have a macPro M1, so I think that is the right link.

As to where it has been loaded, that is indeed not clear… it is there because when I checked using Terminal it found it, but its whereabouts still eludes me. There is an older Java, linked to an old program, but that is dated 2018, so it shouldn’t be that one. It must be hidden somwhere.

… but that link allows to download several different packages; so you ignored my request to provide the name of the downloaded file, to provide full LibreOffice version info … sigh.

The right download should be at the following link, but one condition is you already have the right version of LibreOffice for m1 installed. If you use an emulated x64-version it will not find the java for another architecture, even if it is installed…
But as you seem to wish to solve this yourself, I wish good luck.

I have downloaded the second from the top.

The one you indicate seems to be “my” file alright. (See screenshot below)

Are you intentionally trolling?
I asked you for the full version info of LibreOffice twice already; this is the third time. You prefer to provide information by tiny bits, as if it’s us who need help, and your royal majesty limits the favors you give. It looks exactly like the respective character in Simon Tatham’s “How to Report Bugs Effectively” essay, when “It took me several weeks to get a useful amount of information, because it turned up one short sentence at a time”. But I’m not feeling like Simon, who is too generous IMO: I won’t waste more of my time trying to extract the information you limit.

I am sorry for the delay, but for some reason I misunderstood what you said.
My LO version is
I never update unless prompted by LO, so I expect my version to be OK.
As to my extensions, I have a bunch of dictionaries and that’s it. (The first screenshot shows what I added myself)

This is not enough. As I mentioned, the needed info is on HelpAbout; it is much more complete, including the architecture of the software; and it has a “clipboard” button to help you:


Version 7.3 (very old, both 7.3, which is five major feature releases behind - there were 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 24.2, and 24.8 already - as well as 7.3.2, which is five minor bugfix releases behind - there were 7.3.3, 7.3.4, 7.3.5, 7.3.6, and 7.3.7) is itself the first one that was available for Silicon on the main download site, along with the older Intel architecture; so again - it is impossible to tell, which one you have, until you at last provide the full version info (let me repeat it again, for another time - which time is it?..)

And here we go: the “Vilnius University Translator”, which is “Error: The status of this extension is unknown”. Looking at its page, we see the link to the “setup and configuration instructions”, where it’s clearly stated:

The plugin requires Java to work

Hence the “LibreOffice requires Oracle’s Java Development Kit (JDK) on macOS 10.10 or greater to perform this task” message that you see on startup: LibreOffice knows that you have installed an extension; it tries to initialize the extension; the extension needs Java; LibreOffice has no Java available (which, as I again suspect, is because of the mismatch of the architectures of LibreOffice and Java); and so LibreOffice notifies you about the problem.

Besides the installation of the proper architecture of Java (or maybe better of LibreOffice, by the way), your another option is just disable / uninstall that extension, and get rid of the warning.

By the way: there was tdf#149202, about the (newer?) four-part Java numbering scheme, which initially was seen only in non-Oracle Java releases, and was fixed only in 7.3.4; but I can imagine, that current JDK v.23, even by Oracle, may follow the four-part versioning scheme, and thus be unavailable for pre-7.3.4 versions at all…

Well, what do you know… I removed that extension (which I don’t remember downloading) and now the warning has not reappeared.
Re: my version of LO, I have not been prompted to update. I have just checked and it says I am up to date.
Here is a pic with the about thing in case it helps.
Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 23.40.58

I can’t tell why does it not inform you about the newer versions. 7.3.2 is from spring 2022; and current download page will give you much newer versions.

And we improved CPU architecture reporting in, which landed in autumn of 2022, so your version lacks that :slight_smile:

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Maybe because of the fact that I have M1 Mac?

Am I supposed to get this?

Either this, or 24.2.6 available a bit down the page. They are both current versions, 24.8 being a newer branch, but tested less, while 24.2 being a bit older, so without newer features, but tested a bit more (and is more suitable for conservative users like enterprises). The choice is yours.

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