Download libreoffice 5

Please indicate how to download and install libreoffice v 5 (newer versions are pretty much useless to me, considering that it doesn’t work at all with a number of other programs I need it to work with)

Page to download olderversions appears to be “Temporarily unavailable” already for weeks, what is the alternative?

Which page is “Temporarily unavailable”, and where it’s linked from?

The so called "archive:’ on the libreoffice website, at the bottom of the downloads page

Thanks, but the first link doesn’t work (unavailable), and the file downloaded from the second link can’t be used: it won’t install / extract / open / anything at al. It simply claims “there was an error” and crashesl

Why would one download an executable from an arbitrary server which is not an official mirror like anyway,?

It’s not down since weeks, you just happened to not having checked in between… There was an outage beginning of April, and it’s down since Sunday now. See the status page.

Latest estimate was it will be up again on Wednesday night or Thursday. (don’t nail us if it won’t :wink:

Any update on this? I.e. do you happen to have a new estimate?