Downloading 7.1.6

I have been intending to download version 7.1.6 but my browser (Chrome) blocks it because apparently the site tries to download “multiple files simultaneously.” I guess this is normally considered suspicious activity. Is this legit, or did I get linked into a fake site?

As you didn’t tell the address you tried, nobody can check.

But download from

…and change the Version and Operation Sytem as needed.

And to find it yourself you may put a Bookmark on and navigate from there.

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Got it. I’m quite sure that’s the same site I used before. I have LO set to not download updates automatically, so when one is ready a little icon appears in the upper right corner. I used the link that was in the box that popped up there. So the issue is still unresolved, but I got what I wanted, so thanks for your help.