In LibreOffice Draw, version (Ubuntu 20.04) .
I’m not a specialist of Draw. I want to make a schema with some rectangular shapes linked with connectors
I added some “glue points” to my shape and did some links between.
Now I have something annoying. Some links are made of several pieces, and when I select the line, I see several “green” dots allowing me to move each section.
But some other have only 3 sections and 1 “green” dot only.
How can I add more “sections” or “green” dots to this kind of lines ?
I found the icon “insert points” but it’s grey always !!
To ask the question differently : Is it possible to make a shape “impassable” to force Draw to find an alternative way for the connector and not passing through (or under/above as you want) ?
Thanks in advance for your help