Draw - background image (bitmap) displaying in Greyscale only

I use Draw to create Family Trees and upload a background image. So far I have only used the image in Greyscale but would now like a colour version. The image file is in colour but I can’t find a way to display the image in colour. I have looked through the settings and found:

View - Colour/Greyscale - selected to Colour
Format - Image - there is no option to select Colour (selection greyed out)

What am I doing wrong? Why is a colour image only displaying as Greyscale? Am I missing settings? The version I am running is

Any help or suggestions are appreciated
Thank you

Can you see colour in your file? Can you insert a coloured image onto the page and it shows as coloured? If it doesn’t then that might be an operating system setting.
If the background image appears as greyscale, then the image was probably converted to greyscale before being set as background. Click Page > Page Properties, in the Background tab, it should show a preview image. If that preview is shown as greyscale and any of the other images are shown in colour then the background image is greyscale. In that case you need to import the image again as background from the original colour file.
Or is the file that you opened a pdf, previously printed to a pdf as greyscale? In that case look for the original Draw file, probably the same name but with an extension of .odg

It’s a tool for images (that are not backgrounds):
The background image can be replaced, but I found no way to edit it (nor its color). I think that background images must be edited beforehand.