Draw: Can I make libreoffice full screen?

Can I make LibreOffice full screen?


View -> Fullscreen or CTRL+SHIFT+J

The questioner asked about Draw, IMHO. In Draw full sceen is not possible, AFAIK. - In Impress you can have full screen, but it is not fully editable.

@Grantler - you are right; did not pay attention to tag. Full screen is in Writer, Calc and Math as far as I have tested.

@TheChaserbrain, for Calc

Sub FullScreenPowerOn ( xplan as string, xtitulo as string )
 ' xplan = open sheet ( file menu )
 ' xtitulo = title that shows on the screen header
 'To open the FULL SCREEN when opening the file
 'Tools / Customize / Events
 'When opening document
 'connect to MACRO ok.
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oController As Object
oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName( xplan )  '<== Spreadsheet to Preview Initially.
oController = ThisComponent.CurrentController
With oController
 .ColumnRowHeaders = False
 .SheetTabs = False
 .Frame.LayoutManager.HideCurrentUI = True
 .HorizontalScrollBar = False
 .VerticalScrollBar = False 
 .Frame.Title = xtitulo   '<== Title in Application mode.
end With
end Sub

Sub FullScreenPowerOff	
Dim oController As Object
oController = ThisComponent.CurrentController
With oController
 .ColumnRowHeaders = True
 .SheetTabs = True
 .Frame.LayoutManager.HideCurrentUI = False
 .HorizontalScrollBar = False
 .VerticalScrollBar = False 
 .Frame.ComponentWindow.SetFocus() '<<<< Return focus to window <<<<'
End With
End Sub

Sample file: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/images/3/39/ModeloArquivoCalc1.ods

(1) Full Screen Power Off
(2) Full Screen Power On

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